Welcome to the Northern Virginia Dental Society!
Founded in 1931, the Northern Virginia Dental Society (NVDS) is the largest of eight component societies of the Virginia Dental Association (vadental.org) and the American Dental Association (ada.org) with over 1,400 local member dentists including specialists.
The purpose of the NVDS is to promote the ideals of the profession of Dentistry and to foster professional relationships among dentists. The Society also seeks to safeguard the interests and well-being of the public. If you are seeking a dentist in your area or would like updated information about oral health care, we can assist you. Our NVDS member dentists have each made a commitment to uphold the ADA Code of Ethics and the practice standards set forth by all three levels of our tripartite organization.
NVDS is very active in the northern Virginia community. The Dental Hygiene Program of the Northern Virginia Community College was established with the help and initiative of the members our Society. Our Northern Virginia Dental Clinic, another project launched by Northern Virginia Dental Society, offers low cost care to patients with limited incomes. Services are provided by volunteer private-practice dentists who freely volunteer their time to help those individuals in need who would otherwise be unable to gain access to dental care.
Explore our site and be sure to take advantage of the services, information, continuing education classes and much more that NVDS has to offer. We are here to serve you.
Our Mission
The mission of the Northern Virginia Dental Society is to represent and serve the members of the Society and the public by fostering quality oral health care through continuing education, open communication, and legislation.