Advertisement Submission Form
Please use this form to submit your classified advertisements for publication in upcoming issue of NVDS' bi-monthly newsletter and/or the NVDS website.
Please call Tracey Dougherty at 703/642-5298 or email if you have any questions.
Classified ads are restricted to 50 words with no pictures. Please enter your ad text EXACTLY as you want it to appear, including your contact information (phone and/or email). NVDS is not responsible for typos or errors in the ad copy submitted by the advertiser. For non-member ads, NVDS will not issue refunds, full or partial, for ads removed before the end of the ad term due to typos or errors submitted by the advertiser.
These ads are posted for free for NVDS members and $100 per month or issue of the NOVA News for non-members.
Payments may be made by credit cards by calling the NVDS Central Office at 703/642-5298 or mailing a check to: Northern Virginia Dental Society
4330 Evergreen Lane, Suite N
Annandale, VA 22003-3299