How to Advertise in the NOVA Newsletter

Advertising Guidelines
Advertising Information
NOVA NEWS is the official publication of Northern Virginia Dental Society. Its circulation of more than 1,400 includes all member dentists, associate members and advertisers. In addition to the printed version, NOVA NEWS is featured on the society website.
Publication Frequency
NOVA NEWS is published bi-monthly. Submissions must be received and confirmed by the central office before the deadline in order to be included.
January/February Deadline: January 1st | March/April Deadline: March 1st | May/June Deadline: May 1st |
July/August Deadline: July 1st | September/October Deadline: September 1st | November/December Deadline: November 1st |
Submission Guidelines
All advertising submissions must comply with the NOVA News Advertisements Forms and Standards. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject all ads. NOVA NEWS will not accept advertisements that contain NVDS member/dentist(s) as endorsements.
Payment in advance is required for placement of ads (for non-members.) All rates are for one issue only. Advertiser must contact NVDS Central Office to rerun or place a new ad in a future issue. Classified ads must adhere to the word count restrictions below. Please check your ad for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Northern Virginia Dental Society will not edit submitted ads.
All display ads must be camera-ready or in an acceptable electronic format, adhering to the exact dimensions below or they will not be accepted. Electronic files must be in JPEG or PDF formats (Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Pagemaker and web images are not acceptable.) Large files may be compressed with Stuffit or WinZip. Color or grayscale images should be 300 ppi, black and white images such as text (no grayscale) should be 600 ppi. Layout/design is not included in the NVDS ad price.
2024-2025 Display Advertisements
Full page (inside front cover) | 6-7/8” W x 9-5/8” H | $950.00 |
Full page (inside back cover) | 6-7/8” W x 9-5/8” H | $950.00 |
Full page | 6-7/8” W x 9-5/8” H | $850.00 |
½ page | 6-7/8” W x 4-5/8” H | $490.00 |
1 column – vertical | 3-1/8” W x 9-5/8” H | $490.00 |
¼ page | 3-1/8” W x 4-5/8” H | $350.00 |
2024-2025 Classified Advertisements
All display and classified ads should be submitted to Tracey Dougherty by email at or through the Classified Advertisement Submission Form.
NVDS Member (max 50 words)- print version | No fee |
NVDS Member (max 50 words) – on website | No fee |
NVDS Non-Member (max 50 words)- print version | $100.00 (per issue) |
NVDS Non-Member (max 50 words) – on website | $100.00 (per month) |
(updated June 2024)